DRM/Ambala, Dinesh Sharma told on Wednesday that the new Tejas Train is likely to start plying in March between Delhi-Chandigarh once the coaches arrive from RCF, the coach manufacturing unit of Indian Railways.
More than a year after the railway ministry announced the introduction of the premier Tejas train on the Delhi-Chandigarh route, the new train is likely to start operations in March, said officials of the Rail Coach Factory (RCF) in Kapurthala and Northern Railway on Wednesday. The introduction of Chandigarh-Delhi Tejas was announced in 2016. The duration from Chandigarh to Delhi would be around three hours.
DRM/Ambala told on Wednesday that the train was likely to start plying in March once the coaches arrive from RCF, the coach manufacturing unit of Indian Railways. RCF officials, too, confirmed that work had reached the final stages. “We hope to hand over 19 coaches of the Tejas train to Northern Railway as work is expected to be finished by then,” said senior PRO Manjeet Singh of RCF. He, however, said that it was up to Northern Railway to decide how many coaches they want on the Chandigarh-Delhi sector.
The first Tejas train was started on the Mumbai-Goa route by Northern Railway In 2016. The railways has already announced the timetable. The Tejas (22425) will leave Delhi at 9.40 am and reach Chandigarh at 12.40 pm. The same train (22426) will leave Chandigarh at 14.35 pm and reach New Delhi at 17.30 pm. The new train, which will run six days a week, is expected to have nine chair cars, one executive chair and other coaches. The fare would be announced only after the final dates are announced.
The Tejas would include bio-vacuum toilets (less water consumption and hygienic), automatic plug door, LCD, GPS-based passenger information display system. The railways listed 29 facilities, which the Tejas would have on offer for the passenger