The Ministry of Railways has announced an award of ₹ 50,000 for Mayur Shelke, a Central Railway employee who saved a six-year-old boy by risking his own life.
Mr Shelke’s daredevilry in rescuing the child moments before a train streaked past was captured in a CCTV video which won the Internet.
Principal executive director of the Railway Board informed the Central Railway’s General Manager by a letter about the award for Mr Shelke’s “act of bravery, courage and presence of mind”.
“Shelke in absolute disregard of his own life rescued the child by running in face of the oncoming train and lifted the child to safety by placing him on the platform,” read the letter.
The incident took place at
He jumped down, ran towards the boy and hauled him onto the platform before pulling himself up. Two seconds later, the train sped past.
2 Comments CCTV footage of the heart-stopping incident went viral on social media. Central Railway authorities have already felicitated Mr Shelke for his act of bravery.