Indian Railways News

Indian Railways News

पश्चिम रेलवे द्वारा 30 जोडी ट्रेनों में अस्थायी तौर पर अतिरिक्त डिब्बे

यात्रियों की सुविधा एवं अतिरिक्त भीड़ को कम करने के लिये पश्चिम रेलवे अस्थायी तौर पर निम्नलिखित ट्रेनों में अतिरिक्त डिब्बे लगायेंगी। इसका विवरण निम्नानुसार हैः-

क्र. ट्रेन संख्या से तक डिब्बों की संख्या एवं प्रकार डिब्बा जोड़ने की तिथि
1 12903/12904 मुंबई सेंट्रल अमृतसर एक एसी 3 टियर मुंबई सेंट्रल से 01.02.18 से 28.02.18 तकअमृतसर से 03.02.18 से 02.03.18 तक
2 12247/12248  बांद्रा टर्मिनस ह. निजामुद्दीन एक एसी 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से 02.02.18 से 23.02.18 तकह. निजामुद्दीन से 03.02.18 से 24.02.18 तक
3 12907/12908 बांद्रा टर्मिनस ह. निजामुद्दीन एक स्लिपर क्लास बांद्रा टर्मिनस से 04.02.18 से 28.02.18 तकह. निजामुद्दीन से 05.02.18 से 01.03.18 तक
4 12911/12912 वलसाड हरीद्वार एक एसी 2 टियर कम 3 टियर वलसाड से 06.02.18 से 27.02.18 तकहरीद्वार से 07.02.18 से 28.02.18 तक
5 19057/19058 उधना वाराणसी एक एसी 2 टियर कम 3 टियर उधना से 02.02.18 से 23.02.18 तकवाराणसी से 04.02.18 से 25.02.18 तक
6  12927/12928 मुंबई सेंट्रल वडोदरा एक स्लिपर क्लास मुंबई सेंट्रल से 01.02.18 से 28.02.18 तकवडोदरा से 02.02.18 से 01.03.18 तक
7 12961/12962 मुंबई सेंट्रल इंदौर एक स्लिपर क्लास मुंबई सेंट्रल से01.02.18 से 28.02.18 तकइंदौर से 02.02.18 से 01.03.18 तक


8 12943/12944 वलसाड कानपुर एक एसी 3 टियर वलसाड से07.02.18 से 28.02.18 तककानपुर से09.02.18 से 02.03.18 तक
9 19051/19052 वलसाड मुझफरपुर एक एसी 3 टियर वलसाड से03.02.18 से 24.02.18÷¸ˆÅमुझफरपुर से05.02.18 से 26.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
10 12972/12971 भावनगर बांद्रा टर्मिनस एक स्लिपर क्लास भावनगर से 01.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅबांद्रा टर्मिनस से 04.02.18 से 03.03.18 तक
11 19217/19218 बांद्रा टर्मिनस जामनगर एक स्लिपर क्लास बांद्रा टर्मिनस से 02.02.18 से 01.03.18 तकजामनगर से 03.02.18 से 02.03.18 तक
12 19116/19117 भुज दादर एक एसी 3 टियर भुज से 01.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅदादर से 02.02.18 से 01.03.18 तक
13 22956/22955 भुज बांद्रा टर्मिनस एक एसी 3 टियर भुज से : 01.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅबांद्रा टर्मिनस से: 02.02.18 से 01.03.18÷¸ˆÅ
14 22973/22974 गांधीधाम पुरी एक स्लिपर क्लास गांधीधाम से: 07.02.18 से 28.02.18 तकपुरी से : 10.02.18 से 03.03.18÷¸ˆÅ
15 22915/22916 बांद्रा टर्मिनस हिसार एक एसी 2 टियर कम 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 05.02.18 से 26.02.18÷¸ˆÅहिसार से : 06.02.18 से 27.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
16 19061/19062 बांद्रा टर्मिनस रामनगर एक एसी 2 टियर कम 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से: 01.02.18 से 22.02.18÷¸ˆÅरामनगर से : 02.02.18 से 23.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
17 19063/19064 उधना दानापुर एक एसी 3 टियर और एक स्लिपर क्लास उधना से :03.02.18 से 27.02.18÷¸ˆÅ

दानापुर से :

04.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅ

18 22917/22918 बांद्रा टर्मिनस हरीद्वार एक एसी 3 टियर और एक स्लिपर क्लास बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 07.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅहरीद्वार से : 08.02.18 से 01.03.18÷¸ˆÅ
19 19021/19022  बांद्रा टर्मिनस लखनऊ एक एसी 3 टियर और एक स्लिपर क्लास बांद्रा टर्मिनस से: 03.02.18 से 24.02.18÷¸ˆÅलखनऊ से : 05.02.18 से 26.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
20 22903/22904 बांद्रा टर्मिनस भुज एक एसी 2 टियर कम 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 02.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅभुज से : 03.02.18 से 01.03.18÷¸ˆÅ
21 22909/22910 वलसाड पुरी एक एसी 3 टियर वलसाड से: 01.02.18 से 22.02.18÷¸ˆÅपुरी से: 04.02.18 से 25.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
22 19055/19056 वलसाड जोधपुर एक एसी 3 टियर वलसाड से : 06.02.18 से 27.02.18÷¸ˆÅजोधपुर से : 07.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
23 19305/19306 इंदौर गुवाहाटी एक स्लिपर क्लास और एक एसी 3 टियर इंदौर से: 01.02.18 से 22.02.18÷¸ˆÅगुवाहाटी से : 04.02.18 से 25.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
24 12993/12994 गांधीधाम पुरी एक एसी 3 टियर गांधीधाम से: 02.02.18 से 23.02.18÷¸ˆÅपुरी से : 05.02.18 से 26.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
25 19027/19028 बांद्रा टर्मिनस जम्मू तावी एक स्लिपर क्लास बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 03.02.18 से 24.02.18÷¸ˆÅजम्मू तावी से : 05.02.18 से 26.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
26 22949/22950 बांद्रा टर्मिनस सराय रोहिला एक स्लिपर क्लास बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 07.02.18 से 28.02.18÷¸ˆÅसराय रोहिला से : 08.02.18 से 01.03.18÷¸ˆÅ
27 22931/22932 बांद्रा टर्मिनस जैसलमेर एक एसी 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 02.02.18 से 23.02.18÷¸ˆÅजैसलमेर से : 03.02.18 से 24.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
28 22933/22934 बांद्रा टर्मिनस जयपुर एक एसी 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 05.02.18 से 26.02.18÷¸ˆÅजयपुर से : 06.02.18 से 27.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
29 22935/22936 बांद्रा टर्मिनस पालिताना एक एसी 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से: 02.02.18 से 23.02.18÷¸ˆÅपालिताना से: 03.02.18 से 24.02.18÷¸ˆÅ
30 19041/19042 बांद्रा टर्मिनस गाझीपुर सिटी एक एसी 3 टियर बांद्रा टर्मिनस से : 02.02.18 से 25.02.18÷¸ˆÅगाझीपुर सिटी से : 04.02.18 से 27.02.18÷¸ˆÅ


SCR Vigilance Department conducts 93 Checks against Irregularities at Various Stations

South Central Railway has intensified the drive against irregularities and conducted 93 checks in areas of public interface like Booking Offices, Reservation Offices, Parcel Offices and Trains etc.

These checks have been conducted at all major Railway stations over the Zone by involving Officers of Commercial, Security and Vigilance departments and action is being taken on the irregularities noticed.  During the drive, the public is being advised to report Vigilance related irregularities on Helpline No.155210.

All the passengers and rail users are requested to inform about irregularities on Vigilance helpline number 155210.

पश्चिम रेलवे पर ग्राहक संवाद सम्मेलन का आयोजन

पश्चिम रेलवे के प्रमुख्य मुख्य वाणिज्य प्रबंधक श्री आर के लाल एवं प्रधान कार्यालय के अधिकारियों की टीम ने सभी छः मंडलों मुंबई सेंट्रलवडोदराअहमदाबादरतलामराजकोट तथा भावनगर के प्रंटलाइन कर्मचारियों के साथ 31 जनवरी, 2018 को चर्चगेट स्थित प्रधान कार्यालय के सम्मेलन हॉल में मुलाकात की। इस संवाद में प्रमुख मुख्य वाणिज्य प्रबंधक श्री लाल ने कार्यों को सीखनेकार्य अनुभवों का आदान प्रदान करनेआपसी विचारविमर्श तथा सुझावों एवं कार्य के प्रति तनाव इत्यादि के बारे में चर्चा की। आपसी विचार से संबंधित सत्र बेहद स्वस्थ एवं मित्रवत वातावरण में आयोजित किये गये एवं आपसी मुलाकात एवं सुझावों पर खुलकर चर्चा की गई। इस बैठक में वाणिज्यिक कर्मचारियों को यह सलाह दी गई की वे रेलवे की छवि हैं तथा जनता के समक्ष कार्य के दौरान उन्हें मुस्तैद रहना चाहिए एवं जनता से शालीन व्यवहार करना चाहिए। श्री लाल ने कार्य स्थलों पर महिला कर्मचारियों को होने वाली कठिनाइयों के बारे में भी जानकारी ली। इस बैठक में सभी कर्मचारियों को उनकी शिकायतों को बताने का अवसर दिया गया तथा प्रशासन की ओर से उनकी शिकायतों के समाधान हेतु हरसंभव प्रयास किये जाने की भी बात कही गई।

इस बैठक में संपूर्ण वाणिज्यिक टीम को कठिन परिश्रम कर आय के निर्धारित लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने एवं कार्यप्रणाली में पारदर्शिता बनाये रखने के प्रति प्रोत्साहित किया गया। इस बैठक में व्यक्तिगत समस्याओं तथा फील्ड कर्मचारियों को कार्य में आने वाली कठिनाइयों के संबंध में चर्चा की गई। अंत में सभी कर्मचारियों से आय को बढ़ाने एवं ग्राहक संतुष्टि को और अधिक बेहतर बनाने संबंधित सुझाव भी आमंत्रित किये गये।

MUMBAI: Shri R.K. Lal, Principal Chief Commercial Manager (PCCM) of Western Railway along with senior commercial railway officers convened a meeting with the frontline staff from all six divisions of Western Railway viz. Mumbai Central, Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Ratlam, Rajkot and Bhavnagar on 31st January, 2018 in the Conference Hall at Headquarter office, Churchgate. Shri Lal, shared his views about GRAHAK Samvad – which is a window to learn, exchange of knowledge, views, suggestions, stress at work. He said that the Commercial staff are the face of Railways and should be prompt and courteous while dealing with public. The principle of integrity and honesty among the field staff was emphasized. PCCM also shared his concern for the ladies staff and the problems faced by them at work place. All staff were asked to express their grievances and it was assured that full support will be extended to them from the administration.

The entire Commercial team was exhorted to work hard to achieve the earning targets and to maintain transparency in working. Individual problems were also discussed and hardships faced by the field staff was also deliberated upon. In the end everyone was asked to come up with ideas to increase earning and improve customer satisfaction. The exchange of views was conducted in a very healthy and cordial atmosphere wherein interaction and suggestions culminated freely.

Jumbo Block between GOREGAON and ANDHERI on 4th February, 2018

To carry out maintenance work of tracks, signaling & overhead equipments, a jumbo block will be taken on Up & Dn fast lines between Goregaon and Andheri from 10.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs &  Four hrs block from 10:00 hrs to 14:00 hrs on 5th line between Goregaon and Andheri stations  on Sunday, 4th February, 2018.

During the block period, all fast line trains will run on slow lines between Andheri and Goregaon. Due to this, some Up and Dn locals trains will remain canelled.

Detailed information to this effect is available with concerned Station Masters. Passengers are requested to take note of the above arrangements.

गोरेगांव तथा अंधेरी के मध्य फास्ट लाइन पर जम्बो ब्लॉक

ट्रैक, सिगनलिंग तथा ऊपरी उपस्करों की मरम्मत एवं रखरखाव कार्य हेतु गोरेगांव तथा अंधेरी स्टेशनों के बीच रविवार, 4 फरवरी, 2018 को 10.00 बजे से 16.00 बजे तक अप तथा डाउन फास्ट लाइन पर और 10.00 बजे से 14.00 बजे तक 5वीं लाइन पर जम्बो ब्लॉक लिया जायेगा ।

इस ब्लॉक के दौरान फास्ट लाइन की सभी लोकल ट्रेनों को गोरेगांव एवं अंधेरी के मध्य धीमी लाइन पर चलाया जायेगा। ब्लॉक के कारण अप एवं डाउन दिशा की कुछ ट्रेनें रद्द रहेंगी। इस ब्लॉक की विस्तुत जानकारी संबंधित स्टेशन मास्टरों के पास उपलब्ध है ।  यात्रियों से अनुरोध है कि उपरोक्त व्यवस्था को ध्यान में रखें।

Repalle-Secunderabad Express & Secunderabad-Vikarabad Passenger Timings revised

rain No. 17626 Repalle – Secunderabad Express is speeded up and timings revised with effect from 8th April, 2018 and Train No. 57605 Secunderabad-Vikarabad Passenger timings revised with effect from 9th April, 2018 as detailed below:-

The present and Revised Timetable

Timings of  Train No 17626 Repalle-Secunderabad Express:

Station Present Timings of Train No. 17626 Repalle-Secunderabad ExpressArrive/Departure Revised Timings of Train No. 17626 Repalle-Secunderabad Express Arrive/Departure
Repalle 22:30 22:30
Ghatkesar 06:50/06:51 05:40/05:41
Cherlapalli 06:59/07:00 05:49/05:50
Moula Ali 07:19/07:20 06:00/06:01
Secunderabad 07:55 06:55

Timings of Train No 57605 Secunderabad-Vikarabad Passenger:

Station Present Timings of Train No. 57605 Secunderabad-Vikarabad Passenger
Revised Timings of Train No. 57605 Secunderabad-Vikarabad Passenger
Secunderabad 08:10 07:40
Begumpet 08:23/08:24 07:51/07:52
Sanatnagar 08:30/08:31 07:59/08:00
Hafeezpet 08.38/08.39 08.08/08.09
Lingampalli 08.55/08.56 08.16/08.17
Nagalapalli 09.08/09.09 08.26/08.27
Shankarpalli 09.19/09.20 08.38/08.39
Ravalpalli Kalan 09.24/09.25 08.44/08.45
Gullaguda 09.41/09.42 08.50/08.51
Chitigidda 09.57/09.58 08.57/08.58
Vikarabad 10.20 09.25


Passenger Safety, Human Resources top priority for Indian Railways: says Chairman/Railway Board

Railway Board Chairman Ashwani Lohani today said that the Railways was paying special attention to the development of human resources, even as it gave the highest priority to passenger safety.

He was speaking this afternoon after inspecting the construction work at Habibganj station here which is being developed under the public private partnership model (PPP) and whose work is expected to be completed by December 31 this year.

“The issue of passenger safety in the Railways has been important to us. To deal with this, we are focusing on the development of human resources. We have established direct dialogue with the staff. There should be a stress free work environment for loco pilots and they are being counselled to make them stress free. Running rooms are being provided air conditioning,” he said.

He added that locomotive pilots were not being terminated from service for skipping signals but were being shifted to other railway works.

He said the railways was working towards providing toilets and air-conditioning in locomotives.

Asked about the implementation of competitive fare pricing like airlines, he said, “There is competition among the airlines and so they can use this type of fare pricing. But this cant be done in the Railways as conditions are different.”

Inspecting Habibganj Station here, Lohani said its work would be completed by December 31 this year and added that railway stations at Gandhinagar and Surat in Gujarat, Safdarjung (Delhi), Charbagh (Lucknow) and Gwalior were also being developed through PPP.

The Railway Board Chairman informed that trains were running late due to fog because instructions had been given to run trains at lower speeds keeping in mind passenger safety.

“As of now, the complete technological solution to tackle the problem of fog has not been found. The loco pilot can only know how far the signal is, but he cannot see the signal,” Lohani explained.

Lohani also met MP Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan during his visit.

MoS (Railways) Inaugurates Heritage Exhibition in New Delh

NEW DELHI: On the occasion of 69th Republic Day, Minister of State (MoS) Railways Rajen Gohain on Thursday inaugurated an exhibition showcasing the heritage of Railways, in New Delhi.

“An Exhibition is also being inaugurated on the 26th January 2018 to commemorate this ceremonial occasion and showcase the relics besides afford a glimpse into the widespread impact for modernisation of the country and as a catalyst of the economy,” read an official note.

The exhibition was featured in five different sections.

The cosmetic restoration of the Fairy Queen, bridges; building and black beauties of Northern Railway; a philatelic journey celebrating Steam Locomotive of India; the Hill Railways of Indian Railways with a special focus on Kalka – Shimla Railway and plinth locomotives of Northern Railway and the Rewari Steam Centre, it added.

The exhibition seeks to capture the rich heritage of the Railways with a special focus on Northern Railways.

7th Heritage Steam Engine run to Kodambakkam

It was a feast for the eyes for passengers who thronged the stations on the Chennai Egmore – Kodambakkam route yesterday when Southern Railway operated a train pulled by old heritage steam engine ‘Express EIR 21’ to mark Republic Day celebrations.

The oldest steam engine hauling a single coach left Chennai Egmore at 12 noon and arrived at Kodambakkam to the cheer of all gathered to witness the prestige of railway heritage.

General Manager of Southern Railway R K Kulshrestha, Southern Railway Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer A K Kathpal and Divisional Railway Manager (Chennai Division) Naveen Gulati were present during the run. According to a press release, this is the seventh heritage run of EIR 21 which is similar to Fairy Queen in appearance.

Perambur Loco Works took the challenge of reviving the 163-year-old steam loco ‘Express EIR 21’ in 2010. After withdrawal from service in 1909, this loco was kept as an exhibit at Jamalpur Workshop and Howrah Station for over 101 years. During this period, the loco was open to the elements and parts got corroded – in fact, some went missing, some were broken and some were not fit for use.

After the revival, the first heritage run of EIR 21 was conducted on 15 August 2010 from Chennai Central to Avadi with two coaches as a part of Independence Day celebrations. The second heritage run of EIR 21 was conducted on 15 August 2011 from Chennai Egmore to Guindy, covering a distance of 11 km in 35 minutes. This time only one coach was hauled on realising the experience from the first heritage run.

The third heritage run was conducted on 26 January 2012, as part of the 63rd Republic Day celebrations, from Chennai Egmore to Guindy with one coach having 60 seats covering 11 km at a maximum speed of 45 kmph. The fourth heritage run was in commemoration of the 157th anniversary of the Railways and was conducted on 6 February 2012 from Chennai Central to Perambur with one coach having 60 seats, covering 5 km.

The fifth heritage run was conducted on 26 January 2013 as part of the 64th Republic Day celebrations from Chennai Egmore to Guindy with one coach having 60 seats covering 11 km. The sixth heritage run was conducted on 10 September 2017 from Chennai Egmore to Kodambakkam with one coach, covering a distance of 5.36 km.

Heritage Train

  • Express EIR 21 steam loco was built in 1855 by Kitson, Thomson and Hewitson of the UK, who built another such loco, Fairy Queen, the same year.
  • Fairy Queen too is functional. It pulls a two-coach luxury tourist train between Delhi and Alwar.
  • EIR 21 Express ran between Howrah and Raneegunge.
  • After its retirement in 1909, it was housed at the Jamalpur Loco Works in Bihar, where its firebox got damaged and it was declared unfit for restoration.
  • EIR 21 was shifted to Perambur Loco Works a century later, where it was brought back to life.
  • It has a complicated outside cylinder well tank engine. Many damaged parts were manufactured based on drawings.
  • Fairy Queen too was serviced at Perambur. That experience helped workers put EIR 21 back on track.

Notes from History

  • First proposal for railways in India was made in Chennai, the then Madras, in 1832.
  • First train in India ran from Red Hills to Chintadripet bridge in 1837. Called Red Hill Railway, it was mainly used for transporting granite stones for road building.
  • On May 8, 1845, Madras Railway was incorporated, the same year in which East India Railway was incorporated.
  • India’s first passenger train ran between Bombay and Thane in 1853.
  • The first passenger railway train in east India ran from Howrah to Hoogly, on August 15, 1854.
  • 1854 India’s first railway bridge built over Ulhas river.
  • First passenger train in South India ran from Royapuram to Wallajah Road in Arcot on July 1, 1856.

Railways follows PM’s Directives, replaces ‘Viklang’ with ‘Divyang’ in Concession Forms

Almost two years after Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested to address persons with disabilities as ‘divyang’ (divine bodies), the Railways has decided to make changes in this regard in the concession certificates issued to such people.

The national transporter has changed the nomenclature from “viklang” to “divyang” in the concession forms offered by it to people with special needs.

According to an order by the railway ministry, the word ‘blind’ be replaced with persons with visual impairment with total absence of sight, ‘deaf and dumb’ be replaced with persons with hearing and speech impairment, and ‘physically-challenged’ as persons with disabilities (divyangjan). The ministry has asked the departments concerned to make necessary changes in the proforma for concession certificates.

The order will come into being from February 1. “These words were derogatory and needed change. Now the performa is being changed,” an official said.

The Indian Railways offers 53 concessions to passengers in various categories like divyang, senior citizens, students, defence personnel among others, amounting to Rs 1,600 crore annually.

The hearing and speech impaired get 50 per cent concession in second, sleeper and first class, while the visually impaired get 75 per cent discount in second sleeper, first class, AC chair car & AC 3-tier, and 50 per cent in AC 2-tier and AC first classes.

Others with disability get 75 per cent concession in second, sleeper, first, AC chair car and AC 3-tier, and 50 per cent in AC 2-tier and AC first classes.

SCR organise Special Overseas Tour to Singapore & Malaysia for Railway Employees from 28th Jan to 3rd Feb 2018

South Central Railway, in a Press Release informed that the Zonal Railway is organising Employees Special Overseas Camp to Singapore and Malaysia from 28th January to 3rd February 2018 for Railway Employees working on the SCR Zone. This Holiday Camp to destinations abroad is the first of its kind on Indian Railways.

A batch of 100 Employees is participating in this camp which is being organised under the aegis of Staff Benefit Fund.

Shri Vinod Kumar Yadav, General Manager, South Central Railway will flag off the tour (Buses shuttling to Shamshabad Airport) at 16:30 hrs on 28th January, 2018 at Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad.